Machine Learning
This 5-day DISCnet residential training course will provide an introduction to practical Machine Learning, unlocking a whole new world of data analysis possibilities for participants.
The course will give an introduction to machine learning in a practical way. Through a combination of lecturing and practical, workshop-style exercises, the students will be familiarised with the basic concepts and led towards using machine learning techniques in their own research.
Course Structure:
Day 1: Overview of Machine Learning
Success stories in machine learning
Failures of machine learning
Machine learning techniques
Linear Regression, MLP, SVMs, Decision Trees, Deep Learning
Machine learning problems
Supervised learning (regression/classification), Unsupervised learning (PCA/clustering), Semi-supervised learning, reinforcement learning
Making sense of data
Types of data (images, text, numbers)
Data preparation, missing data
Common tools
Matlab, python
Day 2: Introduction to Machine Learning
The perceptron/Bayes optimal decisions
Gradient learning, SGD, momentum
Evaluating performance
ROC curves
Day 3: Advanced Machine Learning
Bias-Variance Dilemma
Ensemble Techniques
Ada-boost, random forest
Kernel methods
Probabilistic techniques
Gaussian Processes
Graphical Models, LDA, MCMC
Day 4: Deep Learning
Why Deep
GPU programming (libraries)
Keras tutorial
Day 5: Practical Machine Learning
Workshop on data you provide
We will look at:
Analyse the problem
Visualise the data
Cleaning the data
Using machine learning libraries
Evaluate performance
Important Information:
Some examples will be provided during the course. However, for Day 5 it would be very useful for the students to bring their own data. Please make sure the data is on your notebooks or external drives as access via internet may be too slow.
Knowledge of python, via Software Carpentry modules and Statistics and Data Analysis course, is recommended but not required.